Part of What Brought Me into Education as a Career

Part of What Brought Me into Education as a Career
My Children

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Refecting on the “Understanding the Impact of Technology on Education, Work, and Society”

The course, “Understanding the Impact of Technology on Education, Work, and Society” has helped me to develop my own technology skills as a professional by helping me to have a better understanding about blogs, wiki’s and podcasts.  Prior to the class I hadn’t had any exposure to these ideas/tools for the classroom setting.  I have also learned how to integrate each into the classroom environment.  It’s nice to have new innovative ideas to impact student learning.
My knowledge of teaching and the learning process has grown in directions I did not know where possible.  Granted I knew that technology and changes with technology were important to our children but listening to David Thornburg and other technology based informative individuals I have gained a deeper understanding of the learning process and how to get students into the self directed learning role.  It’s very important to me to allow my students to explore the world and to have the skill to reach out and be a part of our world and have the confidence in doing so.
My perspective on being teacher-centered to learner-centered has also refined and I have come up with a professional goal for myself.  I would like to increase motivation of my students because that is the name of the game.  I can do so by allowing children time to explore technology tools that I have learned to access which I hope will help them to be more eager to learn. 
I can continue to expand my knowledge of learning, teaching, and leading with technology by being proactive with it, seeking out and bringing to my district ideas and tools to help support growth and increase student learning.
Although I did address one of my personal goals I would like to add that I plan on seeking out technology classes, courses, and ideas in my community to bring into the room.  My first course of action is to learn more about interactive whiteboard…which is brand new to me.
I want to close by telling how truly excited I am about this adventure and how I look forward to finding a way to use wiki’s in the classroom with my students.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

P21 & Partners

 Partnership for 21st Century Skills” is a wonderful site full of support to encourage 21st Century readiness.  I think the site is a very useful and user friendly resource. I love the fact that there is an informative section laid out for “life Skills”.  The life skills part is very appealing to me because it’s something that I feel we have been lacking in the recent years here in my town because of the focus on state tests.
Basically the way I see it, is this site is a way for states, communities and teachers to get children to be technology savvy so that they can access these things that we sometimes do not have time to cover in the classroom.
The only issue that I see so far on this site is that the classes offered are very far from my state.  Perhaps if they offered something closer to the states that have not joined they would have more success.

Please look and explore: