Part of What Brought Me into Education as a Career

Part of What Brought Me into Education as a Career
My Children

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Blog's in the Classroom

I work as a substitute primarily in the Selah School District. I work across the grade levels and content areas but did secure two long term positions in both first and fourth grade. 

My intension for this blog is to inform parents of my practices, encourage parental feedback and to show off student work. 

The purpose for this blog is to share with my community who I am and what I represent in the classroom and in this district.

This is not a place for students to interact about content however it is a showcase for their work!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I came to take a look at your blog and play with your fish. Did you know that they follow the mouse cursor? Yep. I was actually looking to see if you have a podcast. Is one to be appearing anytime soon? Have a happy day!
